Everyone Stay Focused! At this time of year when things are so busy, there are all kinds of distractions that can cause both you and your staff to lose focus. What are we talking about here? Too many shipments, long line ups, sore feet, busy schedules, short tempers. These things have a tendency to take your attention away from sales, and then what happens? Poor sales!
Now’s the time (more than ever!) to keep everyone’s eyes clearly focused on their targets. But how do you do this? Try the following:
- Start every shift with a high-impact, two minute meeting. Quickly highlight your wins and losses, and discuss sales expectations for the coming shift.
- Understand the impact of a 1% increase in your store’s conversion rate. Staggering, isn’t it? Now think about a $2 improvement in your average sale, or a 0.2 jump in your items per sale. Dramatic results from only a marginal increase in performance! Discuss these results regularly with your staff and let them know how their earnings might grow if they could achieve this.
- Now that everyone understands the positive effects of improving your stats, create an action plan to do just that. Focus on only one or two practical but effective ideas every day!
- Remember, your staff will only pay attention to the things that you consistently talk about and model. So be sure to discuss your goals and progress with them every hour of the day!
- And don’t forget what we just said about ‘modeling’. You must lead by example. What does that mean? Get out of the back room, sell effectively to customers and direct traffic. And when it comes to surpassing sales targets, become the most focused and driven person in the store!
Think these activities will help? You’d better believe it! So practice this list religiously and watch your numbers go through the roof!
Blog Authors: Kevin

Kevin Graff is the main guy behind all things Graff Retail. A renowned retail expert, Kevin is recognized in the retail industry as a speaker, author and expert trainer. Kevin's main passion is to help retailers drive staff performance.