You’ve been settled in your position for quite a while now and you’re pretty comfortable with your performance and your prospects.
You figure you’ve seen just about all there is to see and there isn’t much more for you to learn, right?
You feel you’re at the top of your game and it can’t get any higher.
Sound like you?
Well, it’s time to test your skills and knowledge.
Take the following quiz and find out just how much you know. Let’s see if you really are a true selling machine!
- What are buying signals?
- Name three different buying signals you’ve seen customers use lately?
- When is the right time to ask for the sale?
- List three types of body language you should never be caught modeling in your store. (Look around; is anyone on your team guilty right now?) Why is this important?
- Why does store staff fail to ask for the sale over 90% of the time?
- What is your favourite way to ask for the sale?
- What is your second favourite way? (Yes, you need more than one way to invite the customer to buy!)
- What is your third favourite way? (If you’re a pro, you’ll have at least 3 ways to ask for the sale)
- People buy from people they like. List seven ways you can be more likeable.
Here’s your assignment for the day.
Take a walk through the mall and shop a number of stores.
Talk to several different salespeople, express an interest in a variety of products and see how long it takes them to ask for the sale. Did they even ask? If so, how did they do it?
What did you learn from this experience?
Share your answers and comments with your Manager and team members.
Still feel like ‘Number One’? Good for you!
Not sure of some of the answers? Email us at [email protected] and we’ll get you on track.
Blog Authors: Kevin

Kevin Graff is the main guy behind all things Graff Retail. A renowned retail expert, Kevin is recognized in the retail industry as a speaker, author and expert trainer. Kevin's main passion is to help retailers drive staff performance.