I would like to start by asking why we are we still struggling with compliance and consistency?
It’s our job as leaders to flawlessly execute corporate strategy through our people; however, we are repeatedly dealing with issues relating to compliance and consistency. Is it because our people aren’t listening or is it because we are not influencing their behaviours? This may be the difference between a good Manager and an exceptional Leader, one that has a strong personal brand.
A good Manager has strong rational attributes; essentially, they have the skill and the expertise to do the job. An exceptional Leader has strong rational AND emotional attributes; they have the expertise to do the job but they ALSO have emotional attributes that make them loveable. People want to learn from them and follow them.
Let’s compare this to a corporate brand. We are loyal to corporate brands because of their rational and emotional attributes. The rational attributes are price, quality and service. The emotional attributes are the way those brands may make us feel i.e. fit, safe and/or desirable. Your personal brand is about your values, your authentic self and how you portray this in a customer service environment.
Bottom line, if you rely on getting your job done through other people, an assessment of your personal brand could be the difference between people just listening to you or people being inspired by you to do their job with purpose and passion.
So, ask yourself … “how’s your Personal Brand?”
We’re here to help as always, so if you could use some development in this area or, just in general, we invite you to join us at our 2 Day Retail Leadership Summit – April 25th and 26th!
Blog Authors: Linda

Linda Montalbano is a true retail operator with a history of leading large retail teams to success. If you need a fresh perspective on what's going wrong in your stores, Linda is the one to tell you like it is and come up with a solid game plan to turn things around!