It’s hard to believe Christmas is almost here. Are you ready to make this a great selling season? There’s no reason why you can’t SELL MORE!
Here are 5 things we think you need to get on top of right now if you haven’t already:
1. Get your cashiers selling. If you don’t have a cash counter selling program in place, you need one fast. Have your cashiers prompt customers on inexpensive items merchandised at the cash desk. Impulse items or stocking stuffers work best. It’s the easiest way to add a dollar or two (or ten!) to your average transaction values.
2. Add-On like never before! How many of you have to buy just one gift this Christmas? (if you do, you might need more friends!) Now is the time to prompt customers for other possible purchases. What you need is a solid add-on strategy.
3. Work smart. Set up displays and re-stock before the store opens or after it closes. Be ready to sell the entire time your doors are open! Use your available hours more wisely. And PLEASE, don’t let us find you not waiting on customers! C’mon! You’ve waited all year for this…don’t waste the potential standing in your stores.
4. Stay on top of your sales stats. Track and manage your key stats (Items Per Sals, Average Sale, Conversion Rate) aggressively. When things get busy, there’s a tendency for staff to “clerk” instead of sell. Hold them accountable to their targets and make sure you’re squeezing every last possible dollar out of the store. Begin each shift by challenging your staff to come up with different ways they could improve each metric.
5. Get into your stores. We always tease our clients that ‘you make money in the stores, and spend it at Head Office’. Go to where the action is. Your staff, product and customers are all found in the stores. Go see how well plans are being executed. Check on staff performance. Sell something yourself. Listen. Learn. Adjust.
Good Luck … now Get Selling!
Blog Authors: Kevin

Kevin Graff is the main guy behind all things Graff Retail. A renowned retail expert, Kevin is recognized in the retail industry as a speaker, author and expert trainer. Kevin's main passion is to help retailers drive staff performance.