Last week, Kevin wrote about our new vision for training inside your organization. It’s truly redefining the conversations we have with our clients about training and creating great staff experiences.
Now, let’s look at this from the front line’s perspective.
We tell everyone to live every day in their workplace by the principles their organization has in place. This is so important because it reminds you daily of your purpose (it’s living your life with purpose that gives you an extra jump in your step). When you’re not living your organization’s principles you lack authenticity.
Now, if your values don’t align with your organization’s values, you should reconsider why you’re working there.
The Millennials (soon to represent 80% of the workforce) want Leaders that inspire them. Another reason why this so important.
What purpose will get you up in the morning so that you will have a positive impact on your customers … internal or external?
How do we expect our staff to have a jump in their step and push in the right direction if the only guiding principle is to hit numbers and get things done?
Finding that purpose is a lot easier and more sustainable if it’s about more than just making money or getting tasks done.
That’s why we’re recreating the vision we have for training in your organization.
Make it a great experience for your staff and they’ll make it a great experience your customers.
Blog Authors: Linda
Linda Montalbano is a true retail operator with a history of leading large retail teams to success. If you need a fresh perspective on what's going wrong in your stores, Linda is the one to tell you like it is and come up with a solid game plan to turn things around!