Take the time to read this true, short story of how a work experience has been transformed from the mundane to the inspiring.
We’re working with an amazing professional services provider, who came to us and asked for our help in driving some additional revenue into their stores. The idea was to get their staff to sell an add-on to their customers. Now, these staff aren’t salespeople. They didn’t sign up to sell. They really don’t want to sell. They’re trained professionals in their field and selling runs against their will.
They had been asked to ‘sell’ before and it didn’t go all that well. It’s then that we arrived ‘on the scene’and took a bit of a different approach.
Instead of focusing on what we wanted the staff to do and achieve, we switched the focus to ‘Why’. Why this add-on item was of such value to the customer. How introducing this item was truly going to benefit the customer. In fact, by ‘selling’ the item to the customer, they were actually truly helping the customer in a big way.
To see the difference in how the staff now approaches the job of ‘selling’, the pride they take in their achievements, and the results being achieved is nothing short of amazing.
Yes, we applied our proven 5 Foundations Model for driving results (Focus on Goals, Share Results, Accountability, Ongoing Training & Coaching, Make it Worthwhile) to the project. It gets lot of credit for driving the over-the-top results.
However, what we know, is that if we didn’t focus on the “Why” behind the program, and show the teams how this initiative was truly connected to the vision of the organization, the results would not have been achieved.
The excitement seen is the staff is rewarding. Their engagement levels are so fun to see. The growth in ability, confidence and self-esteem is humbling.
Proof that you can take a ‘mechanical’ job and transform it into an inspiring experience.
Blog Authors: Linda

Linda Montalbano is a true retail operator with a history of leading large retail teams to success. If you need a fresh perspective on what's going wrong in your stores, Linda is the one to tell you like it is and come up with a solid game plan to turn things around!