Power Up Your Personal Brand
As retailers, we always think about developing and growing our “brand” of stores. But, what about your “Personal Brand”?
Did you know that your personal brand can be as (if not more) powerful than your corporate brand?
The importance of having a strong personal brand cannot be overstated.
I’m the VP of the gang here at Graff Retail and developed a great training module on Personal Branding a few years back that always leaves audiences wanting more!
Why is Personal Branding so important?
A strong personal brand allows you to build better relationships with your customers, your employees, your boss and your organization.
It will allow you to do better work, have more fun at work and make a difference in your organization.
Things are becoming more and more commoditized in the world and a powerful personal brand provides you with a way to distinguish yourself from the pack.
In short, people with a strong personal brand get ahead, and get more things done through others.
What makes a great Personal Brand?
There isn’t a ‘one right’ answer for everyone. However, there are some qualities that permeate the best personal brands:
- Authentic: your brand must come from your heart … it has to be real
- Differentiated: it can’t be just another “me too” message
- Consistent: no matter the circumstance, your brand remains true
- Compelling: it has to move others to want to take action, to follow you
Can someone actually develop a stronger Personal Brand?
Not only can they develop one, they need to.
Whether you’re a Store Manager, District Manager or Senior Manager, you need to be heard, to be followed, to lead effectively.
Personal Branding isn’t just a warm and fuzzy concept. It’s how you get things done more effectively.
The question for you is: How strong is your Personal Brand?
How strong are the Personal Brands of your management team?
More importantly, how can you improve it?
Interested in my Personal Branding Workshop? Call me at 905.842.1275 or email [email protected].
Blog Authors: Linda

Linda Montalbano is a true retail operator with a history of leading large retail teams to success. If you need a fresh perspective on what's going wrong in your stores, Linda is the one to tell you like it is and come up with a solid game plan to turn things around!